Ten Social Media Marketing Tips To Grow Your Brand
With Google’s release of its latest algorithm Penguin, increased weight has been given to natural link building and Social performance. With this drastic change, companies can no longer ignore Social Media Marketing and must now consider it a top priority and an integral part of their online presence.
As the number of Social Media platforms grows, companies are often confused and unsure of the correct way to market using these channels.
- Use a Blog on Your Company’s Website
Whether used for news and updates, sharing valuable knowledge or expressing an opinion about a relevant topic in the industry, every company should be using a blog on their website. With regards to social media marketing, blog posts can help a company populate it’s social media accounts with valuable content. - Use Creative Images and Infographics (we did that here)
Social media marketing revolves around the concept of getting viewers’ attention, engaging them and leveraging their unique networks through shares and likes. Infographics are a creative visual display of information using images, words and numbers. They are able to effectively communicate a message much quicker than lengthy articles and white papers. Infographics are among the most shared content types, making them an extremely valuable part of social media marketing. - Encourage Users to Share Your Company’s Content on Their Social Network Profiles
You’ve created valuable content on your website, you’ve improved your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and are getting more visitors to look at this content. Now what? To truly maximize social media marketing, you should encourage users to share your content on their social network profiles and make it easy for them to do so. Add Like, Tweet This, Pin It buttons, etc. where needed and make it easier for visitor to become brand ambassadors with the click of a button. - Mine Twitter to Grow Your Audience
While “if you build it they will come” is a great line from a movie, it’s a terrible marketing plan. To succeed on the Internet today, you have to create content that ignites and engages an audience. However, if you are a new blogger, you should probably spend more time developing an audience than creating your content. - Analyze Past Content to Improve Posts
Most businesses analyze the effectiveness of their social media after they publish. Now, there are tools available to analyze data for content curation before you post. - Deliver Content Consistently
One of the best ways to grow your following and increase engagement on social media is to be there consistently. The first step is to put the right systems in place to keep your posts relevant, interesting and valuable for your audience. - Use Hashtags Strategically
If you want to be successful with your social media plan, stop random acts of hashtagging and use a good hashtag to tie all of the pieces of your campaign together. Use a hashtag that is easy to spell and easy to remember. To make sure your hashtag isn’t already being used for something else, check for it on all channels prior to using it for your campaign. Once you create your hashtag, follow and join the conversation! - Use Social Updates to Write Blog Posts
Take your most popular tweets and Facebook posts, or the ones you feel most passionately about, and use them to develop blog posts. You don’t have to write three pages; you don’t even have to write four paragraphs. - Focus on One Social Media Channel
Unless your company is a big brand, it’s unlikely your customers are scattered across multiple social media channels. Therefore, to make the most of your limited resources, find the one channel that is densely populated with your ideal customers and inhabit it like no other. - Target Website Visitors with Social Ads
It takes a lot of time and effort to attract visitors to your website. When you do attract relevant visitors, it’s important to maximize the potential of that visit even after they leave your website. There are now great retargeting options where you can follow your website visitors to other sites like Twitter and Facebook, and encourage them to take further action.
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