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Social Media Marketing Packages South Africa

Social Media Marketing Packages in South Africa

We as humans are creatures of comparison; we look for the best deals, the lowest prices and the highest return on investment without even trying. With the explosion of social media globally, marketing your business on the right platform (at the right time and in the right format, too) is becoming increasingly critical. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and even Google + require daily presence from even the most anti-social companies to stay ahead of the times successfully.

When you begin your search for an online marketing management company, you’ll soon come to find that the options are literally limitless. Page 2 of Google might be the best place to hide a body, but sometimes you’ll also find a hidden gem, so don’t fret just yet, we’re going to help you find exactly he droid you’re looking for!

What Is Included in a Social Media Marketing Package?

Frequent, high-quality posting and cross-posting: Companies should create the postings based on content you have on your website and from related websites with the purpose of generating social media shares and interactions. Likes and Shares are generally considered “fluff” metrics, but there is a time and place for everything, including this.

Sourcing qualified, specific followers: During a briefing, your social media management company should align their strategy with you and discuss your business objectives and adjust their social media campaigns to be aligned with your goals. Instead of simply trying to increase your followers, they may aim to find new followers that matter and add value to your business.

Social Media Business page optimization: No point in posting outstanding content on an out-dated page. The social media management company should offer to get the page to a point where it is conducive to likes, shares and mentions – amongst others. This includes information updates, background and profile picture overhauls, and website links and of course – page verification, that little “tick” to verify a social media page holds far more weight than we imagine.

Reputation Management – a form of PR: Not many social media management companies offer this, so if you come across it – it’s a win! Sometimes a p[age receives a poor rating or review, or come under fire of trolls whose main focus is nothing other than bringing the brand into disrepute for whatever reason. The control of this in a professional and quality manner can mean the difference between gaining or losing more followers – and potentially customers.

Monthly progress report: this may be one of the most important aspects of social media management. A report highlighting the important metrics such a s follows, mentions, website visits, audience engagement and mentions will be the proverbial pudding from which we see the proof of the company’s efforts. Paid AdWords may also be reflected as campaigns in this report and should be closely linked with any organic postings you may have done throughout the month.

Why Do Companies Need Social Media Management?

As we already mentioned, the digital age we fin ourselves in requires nothing less than one or two social accounts to almost “verify” the presence of a company to potential customers. Companies without websites are far less likely to swing a new customer when compared to one with a current and fun social media presence.

Other reasons may include:

  • Finding new and qualified customers
  • Spreading the word about your products and services without traditional means of advertising
  • Brand recognition & trust building
  • Create a community and loyal following
  • It’s good for SEO – which you can read more about here 

Which Social Media Platforms Should I Pay Attention To?

  1. Google+
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter
  5. YouTube
  6. Pinterest
  7. Instagram
  8. Tumblr
  9. Vine
  10. Sound cloud
  11. Vimeo

Social Media Marketing Packages South Africa – Price

A Social Media Marketing Package is based on the intensity of activity required and the time to be invested by your SEO Team and is typically completed over a month-long period. If you decide to conduct an on-going Social Media Marketing Package to extend your reach and grow your social media traffic, this is simply on a month-to-month basis with no long term or inflexible contracts.

Because the need for monthly promotions varies drastically, you should look for a flexible package that allows for add-on’s at any stage.

What Other Result Should A Company See When Using a Social Media Management Plan?

  • A consistent, attractive, up-to-date presence

When anyone lands on your page, you want it to look current, and you want your posts to show you off as the brilliant expert that you are.

For this outcome, you may only need timely, relevant updates posted on your social media page(s) at least several times each week.

  • Increased awareness of your brand

You want your target audience to know your (or your company’s) name and think of you when they need your products or services. You want to be regarded as the expert and thought leader in your industry.

  • Stronger Relationships with Your Current Community

Your relationship with your network means the world to you, and you want to keep those connections strong.

Cultivating meaningful relationships requires regular and proactive communication. To achieve these outcomes, your social media package should include outreach, engagement, and rapport-building.

  • Community Growth

Your current followers are not enough. You want a larger audience to connect with, but they need to be the right people. To grow your followers, fans, and connections, you must perform persistent attention-getting tasks. Opt for a social media program that features intelligent community-building activities.

  • Website Traffic

A thriving social media presence is great, but you have much more control over content and sales on you website. You want to drive traffic from your social platforms to your website.

Make sure the posts being published on your social media pages are strategic. Driving traffic to your website requires a deliberate approach, including useful, relevant, compelling content and thoughtful timing. If you aren’t posting regular blog articles to your site, you may want to consider including the outsourcing of this component in your social media package, as well.

  • Conversions

Nothing matters to you except turning followers into leads or sales.  Talk to potential social media agencies about your conversion objectives. They will help you decide what is realistic, and what is needed to reach your goals. For conversions, consider injecting social media ads to complement your organic campaigns.


What Are The Benefits of Using Social Media for Your Business?

  1. Increased Brand Awareness
    Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and increase your business’ visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers.
  2. More Inbound Traffic
    Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. Without utilizing social media as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll have much more difficulty reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle.
  3. Improved Search Engine Rankings
    Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more effort than that is required to see significant success. Search engine optimization is very important for achieving higher page rankings and obtaining traffic to your business website.
  4. Higher Conversion Rates
    With increased visibility, your business gains more opportunities for conversion. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company’s website and increase traffic. Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression through a humanization factor. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies.
  5. Better Customer Satisfaction
    Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for your company through these platforms is important in humanizing your company. Customers appreciate knowing that when they post comments on your pages, they will receive a personalized response rather than an automated message. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive of your visitors’ needs and aim to provide the best experience.
  6. More Brand Authority
    Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty both play a part in making your business more authoritative, but it all comes down to communication. When consumers see your company posting on social media, especially replying to customers and posting original content, it makes you appear more credible.


For more information, pricing and advice on choosing the right social media management company for you and your needs, click here or fill out the form below to get in touch with us today!

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