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How to Get Multiple Rankings on the First Page of Google

How to Get Multiple Rankings on the First Page of Google

The thing about SEO is that it doesn’t matter how doggedly you optimise every element of your site, making it as easy as possible for Google to crawl every page nor does it matter that you’re creating top-notch content on a regular basis, because there will always be competition from someone else trying to ruin your plans for total global SERP domination.

Of course in a normal world this is entirely fair. Competition is healthy, users deserve a choice, monopolies are bad. But this isn’t the normal world; this is the world of SEO megalomania gone unchecked, so with that in mind let’s see how a selfish greedy company can take over the first SERP using every channel or tool available.

Methods to Rank on Page 1

Do Not

  1. Never have websites with the same content. Called “mirror” websites because they duplicate the original website’s content.  Google and all of the other search engines penalize ‘mirror” sites with either no ranking or so low to be found on Page 20 or worst in their Search Rankings.
  2. Do not have two or more web pages emphasizing the same keyword or phrase. Even web pages in the same website should never be competing against each other for the same keywords or phrases.   What is Google to do when reviewing a website with multiple pages using the same keywords?   Certainly, by not rewarding all the web pages with high rankings!  Often the competing web pages end up with medium keyword rankings putting them around page 10 of Google results, which is not what you want.



  • If you are offering several products or services, each web page should emphasize only one of them. The keywords and phrases for that unique product or service will have a better chance of receiving high rankings from Google and the other search engines by not competing against another web page in the same website.
  • It’s all right to create another website about the same products or services as long as the second one does not “mirror” the first one. Unique content for each website will avoid search engines penalizing the second one.  The reason for creating a second website is to emphasize different keywords for the same product or service when there are several popular keywords or phrases for each one.  This is taking advantage of keyword popularity without having to publish different web pages on the same site emphasizing different keywords for the same product or service.

One final tip is to keep posting; find new ways to post content (even on the same topic) with a new approach to it. Use video, blogging, reviews to get multiple rankings even for the same keyword. Results may take a while – but this is a prime example on how it pays off:


The search term is a short-tail keyword – “Jura XS9” for a coffee company – Aquaspresso.




























Need some more advice on how to get to page one, over and over? Get in touch with us today!

h/t to digitaldoughnut and searchenginewatch for the great info!

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