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How to Improve your Google Conversion Rates 

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Google Conversion Rates are an important factor in this era of modern marketing. In fact Google ads have become one of the top ways for businesses to advertise their products and services. And with current statistics showing that pay per click (PPC) advertising yields a fantastic return on investment (ROI), who wouldn’t want to use Google Ads? 

Like any form of advertising, it is important to keep track of your end goals and whether your ads are working to convert potential customers into paying customers. 

How can you improve your Google Conversion Rates?

There are a number of things you can do to help your Google ads result in conversions. 

Conversion Tracking

Making use of a conversion tracking system is a great way to start looking at what is and what is not working on your website. It can help you understand how effective your campaigns are. This can be seen in the number of impressions your ads get as well as the number of clicks. 

Additionally you will be able to monitor your campaign’s metrics. This includes how much you are paying per conversion, what your click-through-rate (CTR) is, and the quality of these leads. 

Use highly targeted Ads

Ads that are generic and generalised tend to have poor conversion rates. On the opposite end of the scale, highly targeted ads and the use of highly targeted keywords generally results in higher conversion rates. 


By having a clear understanding about who your target audience is and who is likely to buy your product or service you already have an advantage. This advantage comes in the fact that you can design your ads based on these ‘buyer personas’. 

Additionally by using specific keywords you are more likely to reach a customer that is actually looking for your product or service. If you were selling an Ice-cream maker – using the keyword Ice-cream is not likely to get you the conversions you want because it is too general. Whereas using the specific brand and model e.g. Ice-cream Maker 3000, you are more likely to attract people who are already looking for an Ice-cream maker. 

However using very specific keywords is likely to reduce the number of impressions you get, so you do need to find a balance between the specific and the general. 

Negative Keywords 

While this may seem like a negative concept, it is actually highly beneficial. Negative keywords are words that you choose that prevent your ad from showing up. To go back to the Ice-cream maker example, you could exclude the word ‘manufacturer’, because a person looking for an ice-cream manufacturer is not looking for an ice-cream maker. 

There are some Negative Keywords that seem obvious such as:

  • Free
  • Youtube
  • Cheap
  • Craigslist (or any second hand exchange/sale website)

However the inclusion of Negative keywords in your campaign can improve your CTR, as well as your ROI while reducing the cost-per-click. 

These are three great ways to help your Google Conversion Rates. If you pair these with some of our other more general CRO tips such as

You will be on track to boost your conversion rates across the board. 


Google conversion rates are a great tool for businesses. It is vital to understand and optimise your conversion rates on your Google ads. You can do this through the use of tools such as conversion trackers, ensuring that your ads are highly targeted (both keywords and target audience) as well as the use of negative keywords. These three aspects are great to help your business improve conversion rates, CTRs and ROI.