How to Get Google Keyword Rankings on page 1 within 30 days
Reaching page one of Google in itself is a major accomplishment, but having multiple search results for the same keyword (or similar) can only spell success. If searchers see your website pop up with real-time answers for their queries over and over again, you’re almost guaranteed a click. Further optimising your landing page (which the searcher will see when they click your article or advert) to make the user experience as pleasant, efficient and interesting as possible will more often than not result in them (at the very least) submitting their contact details onto your site. So, how is it done?
1) Be ahead of the curve with your keyword research.
With Aquaspresso, who retail and lease coffee machine to homes and businesses, keeping ahead of competitors worked wonders. One of their major brands is Jura – a Swiss-made coffee machine; keeping track of Jura’s newest releases on coffee machines – more often than not machines that were only anticipated in the country months later – allowed us to write fully optimised blogs on the new release coffee machines. This allowed sufficient time for the articles to rank on Google, and of course – because there was no existing content on the item already – the search results would typically only pop up from Aquaspresso’s website. In fact, the importing supplier of these coffee machines sometimes only showed up below Aquaspresso when searching the exact term.
In this case, the Jura X8 (only anticipated for local retail from the end of March 2018) was the item we focussed on when blogging.
In the snippet below, you can see Aquasapresso shows up – organically¬ – in the very first two search results, followed by the actual manufacturer – Jura.
Being ahead of your time really does yield some exquisite results when properly executed, optimised and marketed.
2) Write multiple blogs on various aspects of the product you are marketing
In this instance, taking apart facets of a product allows you to increase the amount of blogs you can write on essentially the same product without infringing Google’s Best Practice Guidelines.
The best way to get this theory into practice is to choose the main keyword (one or two keywords as closely related to the product as possible) and make multiple blogs with additional keywords that you anticipate may be searched often. A good way to do this is in the following formats:
1) Reviews
2) “Versus Blogs” – you compare two similar products or brands to each other
3) “Multiple Versus Product” Blogs – where you compare two, three or even four items from the same range against each other
4) Image optimisation within your articles or blogs
5) Demo’s – i.e. – video reviews with the same keyword. This is especially useful as it will bolster your rankings (if correctly optimised) in both Google AND YouTube rankings.
The keyword we searched below was simply “XS9”.
How did Aquaspresso rank?
- The second organic search result (just below the manufacturer themselves) is Aquaspresso. They wrote a lengthy review on the topic, and continued to update and freshen the blog as time went along. This allowed for already ranked content to remain current, and continue to rank.
- The second result is a landing page, where Aquaspresso did some off-page SEO; they optimised the page to answer the most popular searches, such as price, overview, pros and cons and the capabilities of the machine itself.
Pro tip: Adding a pop-up block to landing pages can increase your leads dramatically. If a searcher find the landing page helpful, they are far more likely to submit their details on a pop-up form than continue to wade through other search results. Don’t drop the ball here, ensure your sales team is ready to call any inbound leads within ten seconds to ensure the best user experience possible, and get the highest possibility of converting the lead into a potential customer.
- The third result is a great example of how a “Versus” blog can work; often times, leads come in, not knowing which product within a specific range will suit them best. Think about it, if you’re in the market for a coffee machine, how would you know the differences between models that are only categorised by letters and numbers? Instead of making your leads work to find out which product is best, use your experience and product knowledge to answer the anticipated question. Here, we reviewed the XS9 against the most similar machine – the F8 – and clearly the demand for that search was high. Even better is if you stock or retail both products you’re reviewing; optimising the blogs and ensuring a speedy contact once the lead has submitted their info could almost guarantee you a sale in one of the two products.
- Image optimisation: this poor little category is the funny looking pup nobody pays attention to. Writing your blogs correctly within Google’s Good Practice Guidelines, and posting it correctly is 90% of the hard work. But what catches your eye on a blog? The tiny, endless words, or the catchy, related and enticing cover image? You guessed it. This aspect is two-fold; find the right image. What’s the right image? One that is a) NOT watermarked b) high quality and c) catchy. Once you’ve got this base down, you need to optimise your image.
Optimising an image is also a two-step process: Save the image using your focus keyword. Once the image is uploaded, add ALT text reflecting that exact keyword. Even if your blog does not show up, if the image is “good” enough, it will show up in image results, which may lead to more click on that specific article, meaning more website traffic and again (typing in with a well-optimised landing Page) may allow a searcher to end up on your website and eventually as a lead, all because of one well-optimised image.
- Video’s: SEO cannot rely solely on content – no matter how relative, optimised or great that content is. We live in a world which seeks instant gratification, and if a video isn’t just that – what is? You can take a blog and basically turn it into a video. Answer the same questions, follow the same structure – but make it quick (less than three minutes ideally), make it fun, and make it as professional as possible. You don’t need to outsource a whole video crew; ensure you have a good background, good audio – but most importantly – make sure your speaker is familiar with the product and can convey well over video. Further optimise your video the way you would on blogs; add focus keywords, use a well-structured title, catchy over image s- but NEVER forget to add a link to your website. Ideally, your YouTube channel should be setup to link to your associated website, so if a customer is interested in contacting you either to buy or get more info, it should be as easy to find as possible. Direct your YouTube website link to a well-optimised, non-navigable landing page which has either contact form or pop-up, and ensure that lead is called while it’s hot.
3) Don’t be scared to write about products which are not yours
The old-fashioned method of marketing usually revolved around marketing your product, punting that it’s the best product around, and almost “hiding” its flaws. Continuing marketing in this manner nowadays is one of the best ways to set yourself up for failure. Yes, people want great products, but not every product is perfect. In fact, no products are perfect. The more transparent you are about your products – AND how they faire against a similar competitors product – the more trust you will build with your searchers and potential customers.
In practice; Aquaspresso does not retail Nescafe Vending Machines, but they have written tons and tons of articles about them. These articles include reviews of the machine, as well as outbound links (super important) to the actual supplier of the machines. Not only does this allow your website to pop up in numerous search results, but it also educated searchers on the product before they decide on it. You may choose to highlight the features of the product, inform them of the products capabilities and even dome disadvantages of the product. Be careful to not writ negative reviews – it will come back to bite you. While there is no strict policy on writing about products which are not yours, it is ethically the right thing to do to write positive and informative articles about competitors’ products.
As you can see in the second organic search results, Aquaspresso published a list of all suppliers of this specific product locally. This provides priceless outbound links to authoritative websites, as well as close-match keyword results when searchers search competitors’ names.
As you can see, reaching page 1 of Google is not impossible – it just takes smart work, done at the right time and optimized correctly. If you’d like more info on our service offerings, fill out the form below and get in touch with us today!
Cover Image Credit: Kite Communications