Top Tips for Utilising Facebook For Reach and Sales
Facebook is a visual platform – invest in your artwork
When using Facebook for your marketing needs, you should familiarize yourself with its quirks. Not too long ago, Facebook imposed a 20% text rule where image ads are not allowed to have text that is more than 20% of the image – a testament to the fact that Facebook is indeed a visual platform. It is, however, still true that Facebook favours the visual aspect of ads as this is what captures the attention of people. Once successful, then that’s when other aspects of your ads – such as text – can kick in. While Facebook now allows ads with over 20% text to be posted, it will have limited reach.
Content remains King
Being engaging is one of the qualities that can help make your campaigns effective. The same is true for marketing on Facebook. You can craft engaging content that can help you effectively tap into your Facebook users’ interests so that your campaigns can have huge sales-generation potential.
Some of the highly-engaging content that you can do on Facebook include holding Facebook contests and giveaways which can also help you gather user-generated content. Not only will doing this help you engage your potential customers, but it will also help improve the trust that first-time customers have for you.
You may also come up with other unique engaging activities that have never been done before. Take note that the idea is to improve your relationship with your audience to help bring about better buying behaviour towards your brand, a strategy that can definitely help improve your sales.
Make use of Facebook’s tools – Pixels, Facebook Live and Offers
Facebook Offers: Business may make use of this feature to post offers for Facebook users. This may be in the form of discounts or other promotions. The offers may be usable in-store, online, or both, depending on how you’ll set it. You also have the choice of allowing your offers to be shareable.
Facebook Live: Facebook’s live broadcast has found its way to be an effective marketing tool for businesses. Some of the creative ways to use it include sharing behind-the-scenes, hosting interviews, and being a platform for time-limited events. Facebook has even made the tool more effective by offering a feature that helps you announce a future Facebook Live activity so that you can inform your audience ahead of time to ensure that they will be there when the broadcast starts.
Facebook Pixels: Facebook Pixel helps you measure how effective your Facebook campaigns are, by tracking what actions are taken by your audience on your website after they have been directed there by your Facebook campaigns. This equips you with the knowledge of how your campaigns are really delivering, allowing you to craft better campaigns based on the results.
Above all of this – planning is vital. Plan accordingly; schedule, note and share upcoming promotions with your team to ensure you’re on the same page, and that you continue providing your audience with what they really want.