Facebook Ads and SEO – Do They Influence Each Other?
Paying to advertise for SEO purposes can be expensive, especially if it doesn’t accomplish what it should. Facebook advertising is very popular today as a means to gain the best search engine optimization. There are two different types of ads that business owners should know and understand. Companies who provide SEO expert services and are experienced with Facebook advertising can help achieve top-notch results by focusing client ads on two aspects: finding new audiences and retargeting existing ones.
How Does Paid Advertising Affect SEO?
- Increased Web Traffic
While organic SEO can be a powerful tool for getting clicks, don’t discount the power of targeted, paid advertising. Paid ads with commercial intent generate almost twice as many clicks as organic SEO. While general organic searches do outperform paid ads, but for highly commercial-oriented searches that are important to an online business, paid ads are hands-down more effective.
- Higher SERP Rankings
By utilizing both paid advertisements and organic SEO, advertisers can increase the likelihood of appearing first on the search engine results page. Carefully associating paid advertisements and organic SEO listings can greatly increase your listing’s visibility, and in turn increase site traffic and potential sales.
- Exposure
Facebook advertising will inevitably help you promote your brand to a larger audience, which increases the overall awareness of your brand. If this leads to more people searching for branded keywords, Google will take note of that. They will view your brand as an authority, and reward that with great rankings. Gaining exposure and building your brand are very important for any business, especially start-up companies. Because gaining exposure alone does not necessarily generate revenue in and of itself, business owners often underestimate just how important it is.
- You can accomplish more than just sales with a well-structured advert
Since Facebook has so much personal data about their users, you can really hone in on your target market. The ability to target users by age, location, age and interests will allow you to show up in the feeds of users that are most likely to be interested in your business. Once you begin building your audience, you need to determine the best way to engage with them. Remember, the typical Facebook user is not looking to buy anything right then and there. Instead of using your ads to try and sell to people who just aren’t in the mood to buy, use this opportunity to engage and entertain.
Have you seen any negative or positive impacts on your SEO when using 9or not using) Facebook paid advertising? We’d love to hear your success stories!