Best email templates for eCommerce businesses
Email has become a part of our everyday lives. From business to personal communications, email is at the forefront of how we engage with each other. It has also become one of the top ways to interact with our customers. When it comes to eCommerce email is your primary form of communication. It is therefore important for you to use the best email templates available to you.
Welcome Emails
When a new customer signs up on your eCommerce website, it is a common courtesy these days to send them a Welcome Email. It is the first step in building a relationship with your customer.
A welcome email is akin to an introductory email. It allows you to establish what your customer can expect from you going forward, and when to expect communication from your company. As an example, you can use your welcome email to let your prospective customer know about promotions, newsletters and special offers (such as discounts or free shipping) that are unique to them.
Welcome emails may also be part of the legal requirement of your email campaign, depending on the region and if there are double opt-in laws in place.
A good welcome email template includes a mix of information and psychological tools to help draw your prospective customer into your offering. Additionally ensuring that the content in your email is clear, easy to read and in the right places can make a huge difference.
Welcome Email Template Copy
Headline: Stay tuned for exclusive deals and promotions from [Your Brand Name]
Hi there!
Thanks for joining the [Your Brand Name] family! This is a quick mail to let you know about our awesome exclusive mailing list for new customers.
You get to be the firsts to hear about new products, new promotions and even exclusive deals for susbcribers.
If any of this sounds appealing to you, stay tuned. Otherwise, you can always unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this mail.
The [Your Brand Name] Team
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Promotional Emails
Promo emails are emails that you send to preexisting customers. Your welcome email (or sequence of emails) is important for helping new customers to feel comfortable and make their first purchase. The goal of promotional emails is to drive sales. While promo emails can be used to help a new customer make a purchase, traditionally they are there to encourage all customers to buy from you.
Promotional emails are a great way to show your customers the other goods or services you have available to them. This can be done through upselling or cross-selling.
Upselling is to give recommendations (of a higher value) to the buyer based on what they have just purchased while cross-selling is to recommend items that are complimentary.
Ultimately you want to ensure that your promotional emails include unique selling points, display a range of products and that they are in line with your brand.
Promotional Email Copy
Headline: We’ve got something special for you
Hi there,
We have a special offer for you!
Get free shipping on orders over $[number] and free returns within 30 days.
Hurry, your offer expires on [date]
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Cart Abandonment Emails
We have all done it. We go ‘window’ shopping on a website, add things to our cart and then our daily life catches up to us (as well as our bank balance) and we leave the website without making a purchase. This is potentially a business owner’s most frustrating aspect of running an eCommerce business. It is therefore important that you include cart abandonment emails as one of your key templates.
A cart abandonment email is for cases similar to this, as well as in the case that the customer was not window shopping and genuinely got distracted. It is a gentle reminder that you have items in your cart and that this does not mean their items are reserved.
While approximately 8 in 10 shoppers abandon their cart, making use of cart abandonment emails can help regain around 3% to 4% of these lost sales.
A cart abandonment template should be a simple reminder. It does not need to be fancy or over the top. Some companies implore a clever tactic of including a discount or free shipping on cart abandonment emails, which can help bring cost-conscious customers over the line.
Cart Abandonment Email Copy
Headline: We’re ready when you are …
You’ve left something in your cart.
Would you like to complete your purchase?
Finish your checkout now and get free shipping.
Check out now!
Items in your cart:
[product name] [price]
[product name] [price]
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Transactional Emails
You made a sale! Now is one of the most important times to communicate effectively and clearly with your customers. Transactional emails include:
- Order Confirmation Emails
These confirm what the customer has ordered, the amount they have paid and the fact that their order is being processed.
- Shipping Emails
A shipping email is sent once your customer’s order has been sent out for delivery to them. This is vital for keeping them up to date.
- Delivery Confirmation Emails
This allows customers to know that their order has been delivered. This is particularly useful in South Africa as often customers live in a complex and their parcel may be received by a security guard, helper or family member.
These emails help keep your customers up to date with where their order is, what your process is, and when they are likely to receive their order. It is key to building that trust and relationship with your customers so that they return to buy from you again.
A good set of transactional emails is imperative to perceived customer service.
Transactional Email Copy
Hi [firstname],
Your order has been placed successfully!
Please find the details below. Once your order is processed, we’ll send another email to confirm your shipment.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email us: [emailaddress]
Thank you for shopping at [yourcompany]!
[product name] [price]
[product name] [price]
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Post-Purchase Review
In any business, it is important to have customer reviews and testimonials. This helps build trust and rapport with your current customers and your potential customers. One of the easier ways to gain reviews and testimonials is to ask for them.
By sending your customer a request for a review, rating or testimonial, you show them that you care about the products and services they have received from you. Additionally, it allows you to fine-tune any issues, improve your service offering and grow your business.
Aside from inevitably opening a conversation between you and your customers, it also gives them a reason to think of you.
A post-purchase review should not be sent straight away, but rather a few days or weeks later to allow the customer to give an honest review. It is important to know that while not all reviews will be good, it is a place for you as a business owner to understand what happened and how you can improve.
Post-Purchase Review
Headline: What did you think?
Hi [firstname],
We would love to hear what you think about your purchase.
Please leave us a review so that we can share it with other customers just like you!
[product name] [price]
[product name] [price]
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Email templates are an important part of modern-day business. By making clever use of the different kinds of email templates you can build trust and relationships with customers that result in loyalty and repeat business. Additionally ensuring you are using the right templates for your business is important to help get new customers over the line and to grow your business.